Sunday, December 5, 2010

Acne - Why Me?

Suffers of Acne can feel a little picked on by the universe especially when they suffer a lot more Acne issues than friends around them. Acne has been around since the dawn of mankind but there is now a far greater understanding of the causes and effects, especially with various breakthroughs in the last 10 to 15 years.
In order to understand why you are suffering where other aren't you need to understand the underlying cause of Acne.  But first you need to be assured of one very important myth about Acne. It is not natively caused by dirtiness and bad hygiene. They can worsen the problem but there is far more at play in our bodies than that.
Hormonal Change – This is a major one and the big reason why most Acne occurs in the teenage years. High levels of hormones cause. Our skin produces chemicals that are designed to protect our skin. When hormonal levels are high this chemical production goes into overdrive (we don't really know why) and cause but an abundance of skin oils but also irritation of hair follicles and skin cells.  Overproduction can actually result in blocked pores causing white heads and black heads to form depending on whether or not dirt is present in the resulting pus caught in the pore.
Skin Type – Your skin's response is second main contributing factor to the development of acne. If you skin is capable of dealing with the increased skin chemicals caused by the hormonal supercharge then low level acne or if you are very lucky no acne will result. This is where skin care becomes very important. It won't help the underlying problem but will certainly help you manage it.
Skin Care – Keeping your skin clean and free of dirt will help reduce the likelihood of black heads forming in irritated pores. The right skin care products can also reduce the amount of skin chemicals present on the surface of your body. Too frequent though and your attempts to prevent or reduce acne can have the opposite effect as you will irritate your skin more than ever and provide the perfect forming ground for Acne and Pimples. Moderation is the key.
Diet – Eating fresh healthy foods is the key here. Foods polluted with Trans Fats and high cholesterol products can worsen your condition. As a rule of thumb if it is bad for cholesterol it is bad for your skin. Sticking to natural organic fruits and veges is a powerful weapon in your fight against Acne.
Medical Intervention – Doctors and their drugs can help you in both problem zones, namely hormonal levels and skin responses. Be aware though that external intervention will never be as kind to your mind and body and dealing with the problem naturally.

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