Sunday, December 12, 2010

Pericardial Mesothelioma Symptoms and Misdiagnosis

Pericardial mesothelioma is a mesothelioma cancer that starts perilously close to the heart. Misdiagnosis is common, and treatment options are slim. The tumor can be benign, allowing for easier removal, or malignant - fast spreading and deadly. There are many cancers and diseases that affect the pericardial space around the heart, and pericardial mesothelioma is one of the rarest. However, it is the most common primary malignant pericardial tumor. It can also be secondary to malignant pleural mesothelioma.

Five to ten percent of all mesothelioma cases are pericardial mesothelioma, and the failure to diagnose pericardial mesothelioma early enough contributes to its low life expectancy from a few months to less than two years. The failure to detect the disease can also contribute to its statistical status. Early detection of pericardial mesothelioma provides a faint hope for prolonged survival, but only in the rarest and perhaps most medically advanced of mesothelioma cases is this possible.

Exposure to asbestos is the primary cause of pericardial mesothelioma and other mesotheliomas, such as the abdominal peritoneal mesothelioma, and the more common pleural mesothelioma of the lungs. The lungs, the abdomen and the heart are surrounded by a membrane. The cancer tumors of mesothelioma attack these membranes that are made out of mesothelium cells. If you can visualize your heart hanging within a sac, you can visual the membrane that is the subject of pericardial mesothelioma.

Pericardial mesothelioma, pleural mesothelioma and peritoneal mesothelioma all involve the fluid that is retained with the membrane. This fluid is necessary for proper functioning of the heart, lungs and other vital bodily systems. Excess fluid interferes, and even halts normal organ functions. The excess fluid is what is responsible for many of the mesothelioma symptoms of pain.

Chest pain, shortness of breath, coughing, and severe sweating at night have all been recorded as symptoms of malignant pericardial mesothelioma. These are more likely to be symptomatic of a non-cancer pericardial disease such as an inflammation of the pericardium - which is called pericardiocentesis and has identical symptoms. There have been cases where a misdiagnosis of lupus and even tuberculosis turned up as being malignant pericardial mesothelioma. Secondary cancers from lung cancer, breast cancer, lymphoma and leukemia can also attack the pericardium. Malignant mesothelioma in the pericardial region is often not discovered until surgery.

To further complicate matters, a CT scan can be interpreted as fluid, rather than the malignant tumor it is. This happened in 1979 with a 17 year old boy. Computed tomography has fortunately made significant advances since 1979, but CTs, MRIs and PETs must be done quickly. Poor detection and recognition still exist, and a second and third opinion should always be pursued. A patient should persist to find the source of pain and mesothelioma symptoms whenever a physician suggests an unknown etymology.

Pericardial mesothelioma treatment is in its infancy. Research continues in the areas of combination chemotherapies to reduce mass, intracavitary chemotherapy and irradiation, vaccines, molecular therapy and other mesothelioma treatment and preventative measures. As mesothelioma cases increase, so will effective mesothelioma treatments. It may be a long time before a cure for pericardial mesothelioma and other mesotheliomas are discovered. For now, advocacy work to ban asbestos use world wide is one of the best preventative medicines for the future that even a non-scientist can pursue.

Pericardial mesothelioma is often underdiagnosed in traditional tests and not found until heart surgery. The pain of pericardial mesothelioma and other malignant mesothelioma cancers can be quite severe. If a patient has pericardial mesothelioma with severe pain, the chances of survival and mesothelioma life expectancy is under two years. In 2004 a pericardiectomy was performed on a 19 year old boy and he died soon after surgery. A case study on a 54 year old man reported in the 2008 publication of the Annals of Thoracic Cardiovacular Surgery concluded that pain been shown to be reduced with resectioning the tumor and a pericardiectomy, which removes the pericardium, or a section of the pericardium.

Pericardiectomies are used more frequently to reduce constriction. However this barely touches the surface of the disease. The surgery is risky, but as knowledge of the cancer increases, so does the effectiveness of surgery. The earlier the pericardial mesothelioma tumor is found, the less risky the surgery. Pericardial mesothelioma does not respond to radiotherapy. Chemotherapy is used to reduce the cancerous mass.

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Mesothelioma Life Expectancy

Mesothelioma life expectancy at the time of diagnosis will traditionally be announced at being somewhere between a few months to only a year or two. Statistically speaking, mesothelioma life expectancy is frighteningly short. However, the mesothelioma life expectancy rate is a mere average, mean or median of mesothelioma patients with wildly different independent variables. Many of these mesothelioma patients have lived years past their expected “date of death” estimate.

Mesothelioma treatment and mesothelioma treatment options for these patients differed. Physicians for some patients may have been more experienced than physicians for the less fortunate. Not all patients follow through with chemotherapy or cancer treatment plans upon hearing the low mesothelioma life expectancy statistics, and many are not in shape to handle surgery. Others fight to live for just one more day.

Survival stories that can affect mesothelioma life expectancy rates range from the rarer cases of a young woman being “cured” – or having no remittance for decades, to the extremes on the other side, an 80+ year old gentleman with lifetime asbestos exposure, smoking heavily and suffering from numerous pre-existing diseases who dies a month after diagnosis. Others die during surgery. Most mesothelioma patient circumstances are somewhere in between. Many mesothelioma sufferers and their life expectancy statistics go unrecorded. Mesothelioma life expectancy will depend on your individual variables, your medical treatment, and your perseverance and outlook.

Mesothelioma life expectancy diagnosis will always depend on how early or late the disease was discovered. Because mesothelioma has been largely unrecognized in the past, the bulk of mesothelioma life expectancy statistics are mesothelioma patients who were diagnosed late in the disease. A greater awareness of the disease exists in the medical community, and although the majority of physicians do not have experience treating mesothelioma, most are aware of the potential presence of mesothelioma if a patient has been exposed to asbestos, and can refer a potential mesothelioma patient to a specialist.

Early detection and early treatment leads to longer life expectancy. Individuals who have been exposed to asbestos can be pro-active in diagnosing and treating mesothelioma and other asbestos-caused diseases. Patients can monitor their health and mesothelioma symptoms and begin early detection X-ray and CT scan tests. Mesothelioma patients can research mesothelioma treatment options available in clinical trials and discuss these with their physician. A physician can not be aware of every clinical trial that exists, and a mesothelioma patient’s own research could add years on to mesothelioma life expectancy.

Statistics for mesothelioma life expectancy will logically improve rather than become worse. Clinical trials on mesothelioma treatment options are increasing with an urgency to halt the disease. Many clinical trial participants live years past the initial diagnosis due to innovative mesothelioma treatment. Others may have participated in a mesothelioma clinical trial that was not as successful, but their participation has cleared the way to successful mesothelioma treatment for others. Chemotherapy and drug combinations have been proven to lengthen mesothelioma life expectancy. Imaging and radiation technology has made significant advances.

Mesothelioma life expectancy can pass the low mesothelioma life expectancy rates of the past. Nobody in the statistics of mesothelioma has the identical combination of the physical, emotional, and environmental variables that you do. Medicine advances, it does not go backwards. Mesothelioma treatment and mesothelioma treatment options for your early stage or advanced malignant stage mesothelioma will be up to you. There is a strong chance that you can defy mesothelioma life expectancy statistics. Research. Stay alert to new mesothelioma treatment options. And look at yourself, not statistics.

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Choosing a Structured Settlement Buyer

Are you interested in finding a structured settlement buyer who will give you cash in exchange for your monthly or annual payments?  You don't want just any buyer, you want a reputable structured settlement company that will give you the best return for your payments and will help you determine what the best solution is for your needs.
Your settlement payments are your money and you deserve a company that maximizes their value while providing a helpful service.  To receive expert financial service and learn what your structured settlement is worth, contact a structured settlement buyout company.

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Structured Settlement Buyout

If you're one of the millions of people who have been awarded a structured settlement because of injury or damages you've experienced, regular settlement payments may provide a source of financial stability.  But if your needs change and you're suddenly in need of a lump sum payment of cash, it can be very difficult, if not impossible, to change the terms of the settlement.  In this situation, a structured settlement buyer may be able to provide cash in exchange for your regular settlement payments.
Structured settlements are a form of financial compensation in which payments are made on a periodic basis instead of one lump sum payment.  This kind of settlement is commonly paid out in injury lawsuits, by insurance companies, employers and workers' compensation and even by certain lotteries to their winners.  Structured settlements ensure that you'll have money coming in on a regular basis over a period of time.
The downside of these payments is that should you need more cash now to help with medical bills, college tuition, a down payment on a home or another financial need, there's very little room to adjust the payment structure.
Structured settlement buyers, also known as factors or structured settlement companies, provide a valuable service that makes it possible for the recipient of a settlement to trade in a series of slow, structured payments for a lump sum in cash.  The lump sum is not quite equivalent to the total value of the settlement payments, but it does provide ready money that the recipient can use right away instead of waiting months, or even years, for settlement payments to come in.
It's possible to sell some or all of your settlement payments.  Those who sell some of their payments will keep the remaining income payments in their own name and will continue to receive money from the remainder of their settlement.
Structured settlement buyouts are invaluable in situations where you need a lump sum to:
  • Pay increasing medical bills
  • Make a down payment on a new home
  • Invest in a family member's business, start your own business or invest more in an existing business
  • Fund a college education
  • Cover expenses while you search for work after the loss of a job
Any or all of these circumstances are good reason to consider a structured settlement buyout.

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Sell Structured Settlement Payments: When It’S The Right Thing To Do

“Sell structured settlement payments”—this phrase, by itself, may not mean much to the average person. But put them together into a statement like: “I plan to sell my structured settlement payments”—and they create a controversial, emotionally loaded topic.

There are many reasons not to sell structured settlement payments

There are many reasons not to sell structured settlement payments. But there are also many reasons when, give the individual’s situation, it makes sense to sell structured a settlement annuity. Here are some common objections to that powerful phrase—sell structured settlement payments—and some circumstances when, even given the validity of the objection, it still can be smart to sell structured settlement payments.

Concern: Person does not want to damage total financial picture by removing a long-term, steady source of income.

Answer: If the annuitant will use the lump sum payment to invest in his or her income-producing future, such as for education or career training expenses or to start a business, it might be a smart decision to tap into the structured settlement. Each of these expenses—education, career training, business startup costs—should lead to a future stream of income that will replace the income lost as a result of the annuitant’s decision to sell structured settlement payments,

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Sell structured settlement: 3-4 weeks faster

When someone is planning to sell structured settlements, he or she wants the money as soon as possible. That’s why it is important to have the policy early in the process when you sell structured settlements. When you have the policy, you save time in two ways.
  • First, you save the structured settlement factoring company from having to request another copy of the policy for you. And that saves at least three or four weeks.
  • Second, you reduce the chance of error, because your factoring company has all the correct information from the beginning. Less chance of error means less chance of having to fix mistakes and re-do paperwork. Which saves time when you have one thing on your mind: sell structured settlement.
If this is important to you: sell structured settlement. Then know this: find your policy.
Even in today’s digital world, when you sell structured settlements, it’s still a paper transaction. And the most important paper of all is the policy.
The policy confirms all of the details about what is being bought and sold, including payment amounts and dates and all of the parties involved in the transaction: the annuitant, insurance company, policy owner, and beneficiaries.
In other words, the policy is the buyer’s record of what the insurance company is paying. The court must see the policy and the buyer can’t close the transaction without the policy. So if the seller has the policy at the beginning of the transaction, it speeds the process and helps eliminate errors—and errors are the major causes of funding delays.
Here’s how it works: The structured settlement factoring company needs the information from the policy in order to draft the paperwork when you sell structured settlements. If there are any mistakes in the documents drafted by the structured settlement factoring company, the insurance companies who own the payments will insist the structured settlement factoring company revise the documents—which delays the entire transaction.
Here is an example of a little mistake that could cause a big delay: The date of the expected structured settlement payment stated in the disclosure says December 14, 2012, but the payment is actually due December 1, 2012. This discrepancy would raise a flag at the insurance company. Worse, it would mean postponing the hearing and the whole process. Though the date is only off by 13 days, the insurance company could force a delay of three months because in extreme cases, it may require the parties to start the entire process all over again.
And it all could have been avoided if the seller had given the structured settlement factoring company the policy at the beginning of the transaction and before it drafted the original documents.
So it makes sense to get the policy to the structured settlement factoring company as soon as possible. It also makes sense for people who sell structured settlements to find the policy themselves in their files, boxes, or drawers—wherever they stored it. Because it can take three-to-four weeks for a structured settlement factoring company to obtain a policy from the insurance company on behalf of the seller. Longer if there are issues with the insurance company.
Therefore, it is worth it for the seller to take the time and effort to find the policy directly so the structured settlement company doesn’t have to wait to get it from the insurance company. And the sooner the structured settlement factoring company gets the policy, the more accurate the documents and the less chance of error—and delay.

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Five Tips When Selling Your Structured Settlement

You may have received structured settlement payments through personal injury or workers’ compensation claims.  You may be wondering if you should try to sell your settlement payments in exchange for a lump sum of cash.  Be aware, however, that despite the claims of advertisers, the selling your structured settlement may not always be possible – and even if it is possible, it may not be an economically wise decision.  There are some benefits to selling structured settlements, but also some hidden costs of which you should be aware.

Tip #1: Make a Wise Settlement Decision from the Beginning

If you have the option, it is always best to make a decision about receiving structured settlement payments from the start.  You may, from the beginning, choose to press for a lump sum payment vs. periodic payments.  This is not just black and white either – you may negotiate for a combination agreement.  You may want to get a smaller lump sum plus periodic payments, or decide that you will need a lump sum at a future date.  You may want to consult with a tax adviser and see what arrangement makes the most sense from a tax perspective.  If you are in this stage of the settlement, remember: now is your best time to decide.  Should you decide to sell your structured settlement at a future date, you will be losing a percentage of your money to companies that buy those structured settlement payments.

Tip #2: Watch Out for the Tax Man

Although you may be considering selling your structured settlement, it is important to consider that it was probably structured from the beginning to provide you with significant tax advantages.  As a result, you may be in for an unpleasant surprise if you decide to receive a lump sum payment.  Check with a competent tax adviser to see what the ramifications are in your situation.

Tip #3: Beware of Hidden Restrictions on Selling Structured Settlements

Many people do not realize that federal regulations can limit and restrict the sale of structured settlements.  In addition, approximately 60% of the states have some laws on the books which restrict the sale of structured settlements.  Find out which laws apply to your situation.  You may have to obtain court approval for the sale, and the process of transferring settlement payments to a buyer may be highly regulated by your state.  Also, if your structured settlement was issued by an insurance company, watch out for hidden clauses.  They may state that payments cannot be sold to another party.

Tip #4: Don’t Take the First Offer You Get

This seems like common sense, but many people attempting to sell structured settlements are excited by the prospect of receiving a huge lump sum of cash.  But it pays to shop around.  Even if your first offer seems excellent, get quotes from at least 2-3 other buyers of structured settlements to see if the first offer can be topped.  Do your research and make sure you are dealing with a reputable buyer of structured settlements.  If one buyer’s offer is way better than the others, be alert – if it seems too good to be true, it just might be.

Tip #5: Get a Good Lawyer

When dealing with such a large amount of money, consulting with a lawyer can pay for itself many times over.  A lawyer experienced in dealing with settlements can tell you if your buyer’s offer is reasonable, as well as if the terms of the purchase agreement are right for your situation.  He or she can also protect your rights, in case any of the parties in the transaction are not cooperating or sending payments according to the agreed contract.

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Symptoms of Mesothelioma

Signs and symptoms of mesothelioma vary depending on where the cancer occurs.

Pleural mesothelioma signs and symptoms may include : -
  • Shortness of breath
  • Painful breathing (pleurisy)
  • Painful coughing
  • Chest pain under the rib cage
  • Unusual lumps of tissue under the skin on your chest
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Dry (nonproductive) cough

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How can back acne be treated?

How can back acne be treated?  Given that the causes underlying back acne are the same as those behind facial acne, it is unremarkable that the same type of treatment is effective for both types.
The golden rule in treating back acne is to understand what it is that causes the condition in the first place, and eliminate those causes.
Generally, any product or method that further irritates inflamed skin (such as by scrubbing, rubbing, pinching or squeezing) should be avoided as this will only make the problem worse.  Keeping the affected skin as clean as possible (by gentle cleaning methods and products) will help to inhibit further bacterial growth.  Frequent washing may be necessary if the sufferer perspires heavily to ensure that sweat doesn't block the pores, although if this is the case, a non-oily moisturiser may be necessary to balance the skin's protective mantle.  Commercial "soap" or similar concoctions can be very drying to the skin which can lead to distressing it further.  Cleansers that are labelled "gentle", "mild" or "non-drying" (provided they do not contain soap or similar drying compounds – lists of offending ingredients are readily available on the internet) are preferred alternatives when treating acne.
The cleansing routine followed should involve treatment with benzoyl peroxide (up to a strength of 10% dilution) to kill off bacteria as far as possible.  Note - Benzoyl peroxide may irritate the skin for an initial period, although the skin will readily adapt, and irritation should be relatively minor, subsiding after a period of approximately two weeks.  If irritation is severe or longer lasting, an alternative treatment should be sought.  Topical creams are also available over the counter, or in more stubborn cases, prescription preparations are available after consultation with your doctor.  In extreme cases, a doctor may prescribe antibiotics to clear up back acne.  However it is unlikely that this avenue would be followed unless more conventional methods had been unsuccessful.
Whatever brand or method of treatment is followed, the best advice is to take care not to inflame areas already affected by back acne.  Always use a clean towel for drying (and make it a rule not to rub – rather press or dab dry), and allow skin to dry well after showering before dressing.  Overly hot showers should also be avoided as the heat can irritate skin.  Overheating can also trigger production of oils, especially if the skin is still "steaming" when re-clothed.  Cotton or linen clothing (not too tight-fitting) is recommended in preference to synthetics as these fibres allow skin to breathe, and helping to keep pores unblocked.

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The Causes and Cures of Back Acne

What is back acne?  Acne is described as an eruptive skin condition.  It is caused by bacteria growing in oil trapped within glands found at the bottom of hair follicles.  This bacteria in turn, irritates the skin, giving rise to blackheads, whiteheads, pimples and/or cysts.
Back acne is typically the caused by the same triggers as facial acne – skin becomes oily, pores get blocked, "bacne" develops - although as the skin on the back is generally thicker, tougher and contains larger pores than facial skin, back acne can be more challenging to treat and overcome.   It should be noted that bodily acne can also occur on other parts of the body – chiefly the chest and buttocks.
Often, tight-fitting synthetic clothing and excessive sweating are blamed for body / back acne, but it is possible that these two ingredients merely exacerbate existing conditions.  Environmental factors, as well as stress and hormonal fluctuations or imbalances can also influence outbreaks or onset of body acne.  Some authorities also suggest that genetics may play a part in susceptibility its development.  Like acne generally, back acne often develops during puberty.

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Reason why some people get worse acne

The reason why some people get worse acne than others has not been fully made clear, but it is likely that heredity plays a large role. This would be particularly relevant in two areas
  1. Hormonal regulation on the stimulating side
  2. Skin response on the receiving side (amount of keratin, tendency to scarring)
Hormonal action on skin -
The skin has two layers, the dermis and the epidermis. We see the top layer (epidermis) and sebaceous glands are found in the deeper dermis. They are usually (but not always) located by a hair follicle and the substance they produce is called sebum. Sebum is a fatty liquid which coats the hair as it grows up through the follicular canal, or pore. Sebum also contains keratin which is a tough, highly fibrous protein that is part of skin, nails and hair. The hardness helps protect from breakage, and it also provides a waterproofing quality and reduces fluid loss from the skin.
Sebaceous glands are controlled by hormones. In men, the hormone involved is testosterone and in women, both ovarian and adrenal androgens stimulate the sebaceous gland to increase the production of sebum. This is why puberty, when these hormone levels begin to rise, is the time acne begins to be a problem.
Overproduction of sebum may block the outlet of the sebaceous gland and follicle; this is referred to as a blocked pore. The amount of keratin in sebum may contribute to this happening more easily. A plug is formed at the top of the pore, at the surface of the epidermis. It is described as open, which means open to the air, or closed, which means it sits under a thin membrane. '"Open" are what we see as blackheads and this is because the air has caused oxidation and also dirt is contributing to the surface of the plug. "Closed" are what we see as whiteheads as the pus is building up under the membrane. Whiteheads are the precursors to more severe acne pimples and cysts.
As the liquid is kept in the canal, without ability to escape, certain processes take place. This may include some breaking down of the canal wall and spilling the contents into surrounding tissue so it is no longer encapsulated. (This is the main reason why squeezing pimples is a bad idea as it causes more of this to occur). At the same time, some bacteria colonize this liquid and begin proliferating and producing waste products, which also build up in the pustule. Inflammatory events begin taking place around this area which produces swelling, redness and pain. If the contents have built up so much or infiltrated so deeply as to affect the lower part of the dermis which is connective tissue, it is much more likely to result in scarring. This is because connective tissue tends to scar as part of its own healing mechanism.
Acne Vulgaris is a serious problem, especially common in adolescents and its therapy can be complex. It usually requires a many-pronged attack including antibiotics, topical creams, synthetic hormones or vitamin A derivatives. It is best treated by dermatologists if severe.

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What Triggers Acne?

Acne Vulgaris can begin as early as eight years old and may not appear in someone until they are twenty years old. But it is very common during adolescence. This is because acne is triggered by hormonal changes that occur during puberty and can continue throughout adult life if hormone levels remain high. For example, women with polycystic ovarian syndrome have chronically excessive levels of hormones.
Acne is not caused by poor hygiene! (But good hygiene can reduce the effects) This particular myth makes some teenagers feel "dirty" but whilst acne is a skin disease, it is not infectious. Taking good care of skin can help control the symptoms and lessen the chance of scarring.
A poor diet is not the cause of acne! There is much debate on whether particular foods contribute to the severity of acne or trigger "breakouts" but one's own experience should prevail. The usual suspects  are sugars, refined carbohydrates and saturated fats. Considering the wide health detriments of a diet rich in these substances, it is a worthwhile exercise to reduce or eliminate them from the diet anyway and see if there are improvements in the skin's condition.
If acne suddenly appears when someone is in their late twenties, a food or drug sensitivity should be investigated.

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How To Cash Out Structured Settlements

t is structured because the payouts have to follow a certain structure such as a certain predetermined sum of money paid periodically where the period is also predefined by the courts of in an agreement signed by both parties. It is a settlement because the claimant agrees to let go of the lawsuit in return for this sum of money paid periodically until the total sum has been paid out.

Defendants offer claimants a structured settlement for three reasons. It could be that the defendant cannot afford to pay out a lump sum to the claimant or the defendant feels that the courts could deem the amount to be much higher than what is being claimed. The third and most often the actual reason is that the structured settlement payments have to be met by the claimant's insurance provider.

These are professional financial companies and they prefer to go in for a structured settlement because they in turn buy an annuity for the amount that needs to be paid out. The amount of the annuity they buy matches the amount that needs to be paid out and in the end they own the annuity, even though the claimant gets the payout regularly.

Now, it may come to pass that the claimant finds that he or she needs a lump sum of cash instead of the annuity or installment being paid out. They can then choose to cash out structured settlements. This means nothing more than selling a structured settlements for a little under what it is actually worth.

Investors are constantly looking for good offers to put their cash in. They look for people who want to cash out structured settlements. There are web sites that offer their intermediary services in this area of investment. People looking for a good place to invest their extra money come to sites that offer cash structured settlements. They register their requirements and conditions and are entered into the database of the site.

People looking for an opportunity to cash out structured settlements also register their details with the same site. The software automatically matches the best sellers with the best offers and the admin mediates the sale. The site will be able to advise the seller if they are legally entitled to cash out structured settlements or not.

They then go through with processing the documents and advising the payout company about the transfer of the settlement and the new payee begins to get the annuity while the original payee gets a lump sum that is a little lower than the total amount he or she would normally have got. The difference is the site fee and the profit of the person buying the structured settlement.

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Do you really need a structured settlement company?

A structured settlement is usually an out of court settlement that is offered to an individual by their insurance firm or a specific company. A structured settlement company handles and organizes the payment schedule. These payment amounts are substantial in size and can last from several short years from your entire life time.
Structured settlement companies are used to help individuals by processing the settlement claims in an effective and efficient way. Generally structured settlements and the law and legal processes around it can be very confusing for someone with no financial background. A structured settlement company will dramatically decrease your litigation costs, thereby saving you money that would have been spent trying to organize the legal details of the structured settlement. With a structured settlement company, because they have so many contacts and have made a name for themselves in their specific financial field, it is beneficial to go through them if you would like to receive a massive lump sum instead of being paid annually or monthly depending on the financial arrangement you made with the specific company.
It can be very difficult to find a suitable, authentic structured settlement loan and therefore, if you are already associated with a structured settlement company they can do this automatically for you. A structured settlement company can also help you with finalizing a transfer of a structured settlement, for instance, if you would like the money to be paid out to your son, wife, husband or friend, then they will organize this quickly and systematically for you. Due to the fact that the terms of each specific settlement is governed by state and federal laws, strong background knowledge in structured settlements will work towards your favor. This is especially important if you do not have the time or the energy to find out about the specific detailing yourself.
A few of the activities that structured settlement companies manage is creating a structured settlement agreement and gaining court approval for this transaction that needs to take place. Again, their working knowledge of structured settlements and their positive and long-standing relationships with insurance companies makes them a viable and affordable option if you would like to get the most money with the least amount of hassle from the structured settlement.
With a structured settlement company, you have a middle man in between you and the company or insurance company paying out the settlement to you. This gives you comfort in knowing that you do not need to handle any claims, disputes or paper work with the insurance company directly. While you might not think this is a big deal, if you do not know your way around the loopholes, paper work and legal issues surrounding structured settlements you can be in trouble or confused on how to handle these sorts of situations. Your company that works for your needs will also organize the structured settlement in such a way that it will directly suit your currently lifestyle.
Having a structured settlement company handle your claim is the smart person’s choice in handling your structured settlements.

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Structured Settlement Buyer

Choosing a Structured Settlement Buyer -
Are you interested in finding a structured settlement buyer who will give you cash in exchange for your monthly or annual payments?  You don't want just any buyer, you want a reputable structured settlement company that will give you the best return for your payments and will help you determine what the best solution is for your needs.
Your settlement payments are your money and you deserve a company that maximizes their value while providing a helpful service.  To receive expert financial service and learn what your structured settlement is worth, contact a structured settlement buyout company.

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Structured Settlement Buyout

If you're one of the millions of people who have been awarded a structured settlement because of injury or damages you've experienced, regular settlement payments may provide a source of financial stability.  But if your needs change and you're suddenly in need of a lump sum payment of cash, it can be very difficult, if not impossible, to change the terms of the settlement.  In this situation, a structured settlement buyer may be able to provide cash in exchange for your regular settlement payments.
Structured settlements are a form of financial compensation in which payments are made on a periodic basis instead of one lump sum payment.  This kind of settlement is commonly paid out in injury lawsuits, by insurance companies, employers and workers' compensation and even by certain lotteries to their winners.  Structured settlements ensure that you'll have money coming in on a regular basis over a period of time.
The downside of these payments is that should you need more cash now to help with medical bills, college tuition, a down payment on a home or another financial need, there's very little room to adjust the payment structure.
Structured settlement buyers, also known as factors or structured settlement companies, provide a valuable service that makes it possible for the recipient of a settlement to trade in a series of slow, structured payments for a lump sum in cash.  The lump sum is not quite equivalent to the total value of the settlement payments, but it does provide ready money that the recipient can use right away instead of waiting months, or even years, for settlement payments to come in.
It's possible to sell some or all of your settlement payments.  Those who sell some of their payments will keep the remaining income payments in their own name and will continue to receive money from the remainder of their settlement.
Structured settlement buyouts are invaluable in situations where you need a lump sum to:
  • Pay increasing medical bills
  • Make a down payment on a new home
  • Invest in a family member's business, start your own business or invest more in an existing business
  • Fund a college education
  • Cover expenses while you search for work after the loss of a job
Any or all of these circumstances are good reason to consider a structured settlement buyout.

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A Better Way to Sell a Structured Settlement-via Auction

Structured settlements were introduced in Canada and the United States in the 1970's. They were introduced as an alternative to lump sum payments, common in insurance settlements and lottery winnings. In the decades since, they have also been accepted as legal financial instruments in England and Australia.
The aforementioned common law countries have decided to include structured settlements in their statutory tort laws. These four countries handle tort law and the structure settlement packages a little bit differently, but the general overall definition applies across the board. In a nutshell, a structured settlement by legal definition is a statutory agreement to pay a specified sum of money over a period of time, on a payment system.

Payment Arrangements

When someone wins a court settlement (or if they settle the case beforehand), the insurance company often gives the winner a choice of taking a specified amount of money in a lump sum, or a bit more money if the insurance company can enter into a structured settlement arrangement. Of course, it is in the insurance company's best interest to pay the claimant in a structured settlement, because the insurance company can earn interest, during the structured payment cycle, on the full sum of money it would have paid in a lump sum.

The insurance company wins in the profit game, when they get to enter into a structured settlement. They will be able to invest the full sum of money owed, and they get to earn interest or dividends on the money in hand during the payment period.

Structured settlements are most often paid out in the form of an annuity over a period of time. An annuity is also legally classified as a financial instrument. Once again, the financial institution will gain an additional financial advantage, because they can collect interest or earn other kinds of income on the bulk amount, during the payment period.

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Peritoneal Mesothelioma and Malignant Mesotheliomas

Peritoneal mesothelioma is less common than pleural mesothelioma, but both of these typically malignant mesotheliomas can be just as tragic. Peritoneal mesothelioma begins in the abdominal cavity, as opposed to the lungs and pleural areas of pleural mesothelioma. “Peritoneal” means it has to do with the peritoneum, which is a membrane that surrounds the abdominal area. “Pleural” refers to the pleura which is a membrane that surrounds the lungs. There is also a “pericardial” mesothelioma which targets the heart membrane first.

The lungs, abdominal area and heart all have a membrane made up of mesothelial cells, named the mesothelium. A cancerous attack of these membrane areas are mesotheliomas. Asbestos is the cause of peritoneal mesothelioma, pleural mesothelioma and pericardial mesothelioma in well over 90% of the cases. There are a few rare recorded cases of malignant mesothelioma when asbestos exposure was not identified. If you have been exposed to asbestos, there is a high chance you will suffer from an asbestos-caused disease such as asbestosis or pleural plaques. However, not all asbestos-caused diseases are fatal.

Peritoneal mesothelioma, pleural mesothelioma and pericardial mesothelioma can be fatal malignant mesotheliomas which spread uncontrollably, or they can be benign, when the tumor stays where it is and can likely be removed. Unexplainable weight loss is a mesothelioma symptom which may occur in as many as 90% of benign and malignant mesothelioma. Generally, benign mesothelioma tends to show less symptoms than malignant mesothelioma. Mesothelioma symptoms for peritoneal mesothelioma almost always includes abdominal pain. This is because there is excess fluid between the peritoneal membrane and the abdomen walls. Pleural mesothelioma has excess fluid in the pleural area and this causes shortness of breath and chest pain.

The mesothelioma symptoms of pleural mesothelioma and pericardial mesothelioma are not as outwardly visible as the symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma. In peritoneal mesothelioma, the abdomen can appear larger. Tumor masses may be visible, but external tumor visibility only occurs in a minority of peritoneal mesothelioma cases. Nausea is a common mesothelioma symptom with peritoneal mesothelioma, and the abdominal area will also be very tender.

In a healthy peritoneal area between the membrane and the wall, the peritoneal fluid helps the intestines move food. In peritoneal mesothelioma however, excess fluid causes bowel obstruction. The mesothelioma symptoms of extra fluid and bowel obstruction both contribute to abdominal pain. The bowel obstruction can also produce mesothelioma symptoms of constipation and diarrhea. Many peritoneal malignant mesothelioma patients have reported mesothelioma symptoms of a burning sensation in the abdomen. Mesothelioma symptoms for peritoneal malignant mesothelioma may not surface for 20-30 years after asbestos exposure, but it generally surfaces sooner than pleural mesothelioma.

Peritoneal mesothelioma is fortunately rare, however its rarity sometimes makes it harder to diagnose. The symptoms are similar to hernias and gall bladder problems, and identifying peritoneal mesothelioma in a CT scan is difficult. The medical industry is aware that asbestos-related diseases will be escalating over the upcoming years, and treatment for peritoneal malignant mesothelioma is undergoing many clinical trials. If you have been exposed to asbestos and have unexplainable abdominal pain and are experiencing unexplained weight loss, begin preliminary testing for peritoneal mesothelioma. The sooner the testing begins, the higher the chances for symptomatic relief, and hopefully today’s mesothelioma clinical trials will lead to a mesothelioma cure in the future.

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Mesothelioma Mesomark Blood Test

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the MESOMARK assay to help monitor response to treatment in malignant mesothelioma patients. The MESOMARK test signifies the beginning of a new era in monitoring mesothelioma malignancies," said Dr. W. Jeffrey Allard, vice president and chief scientific officer of Fujirebio Diagnostics. "As the first in-vitro test for patients with this aggressive disease, it will enable doctors to more accurately detect recurrence and monitor treatment of patients."
The MESOMARK Assay test kit was developed to measure levels of a biomarker, mesothelin, in serum. Biomarkers are substances found in higher-than-normal concentrations in the blood, urine or body tissues of patients with certain types of cancers. The test may be used to monitor patients confirmed as having mesothelioma, for recurrence in patients following surgery, or for measuring response to therapies.
"Current diagnostic tests are less than ideal for quantification of changes in tumor volume, which is key to managing the disease," continued Allard. "As the MESOMARK results correlate with tumor volume*, it provides a much needed tool for monitoring patient status. It is our plan to collect additional data in the future to support the use of the test to detect mesothelioma."
MESOMARK test are now making it possible - with a simple blood test -to monitor response to treatment and to detect recurrence following treatment. This provides an important head start to patients racing against this aggressive cancer. "The Meso Foundation is the national research funding, patient support and advocacy organization dedicated to eradicating mesothelioma as a life-threatening disease.
Those wishing to take part in MESOMARK testing will be asked to provide one or more samples of blood. The blood samples will then be sent to a national reference laboratory for testing. In conjunction with other clinical and laboratory data obtained by your doctor, decisions regarding your treatment and care may be simplified. You may discontinue testing at any time.

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Acne - Why Me?

Suffers of Acne can feel a little picked on by the universe especially when they suffer a lot more Acne issues than friends around them. Acne has been around since the dawn of mankind but there is now a far greater understanding of the causes and effects, especially with various breakthroughs in the last 10 to 15 years.
In order to understand why you are suffering where other aren't you need to understand the underlying cause of Acne.  But first you need to be assured of one very important myth about Acne. It is not natively caused by dirtiness and bad hygiene. They can worsen the problem but there is far more at play in our bodies than that.
Hormonal Change – This is a major one and the big reason why most Acne occurs in the teenage years. High levels of hormones cause. Our skin produces chemicals that are designed to protect our skin. When hormonal levels are high this chemical production goes into overdrive (we don't really know why) and cause but an abundance of skin oils but also irritation of hair follicles and skin cells.  Overproduction can actually result in blocked pores causing white heads and black heads to form depending on whether or not dirt is present in the resulting pus caught in the pore.
Skin Type – Your skin's response is second main contributing factor to the development of acne. If you skin is capable of dealing with the increased skin chemicals caused by the hormonal supercharge then low level acne or if you are very lucky no acne will result. This is where skin care becomes very important. It won't help the underlying problem but will certainly help you manage it.
Skin Care – Keeping your skin clean and free of dirt will help reduce the likelihood of black heads forming in irritated pores. The right skin care products can also reduce the amount of skin chemicals present on the surface of your body. Too frequent though and your attempts to prevent or reduce acne can have the opposite effect as you will irritate your skin more than ever and provide the perfect forming ground for Acne and Pimples. Moderation is the key.
Diet – Eating fresh healthy foods is the key here. Foods polluted with Trans Fats and high cholesterol products can worsen your condition. As a rule of thumb if it is bad for cholesterol it is bad for your skin. Sticking to natural organic fruits and veges is a powerful weapon in your fight against Acne.
Medical Intervention – Doctors and their drugs can help you in both problem zones, namely hormonal levels and skin responses. Be aware though that external intervention will never be as kind to your mind and body and dealing with the problem naturally.

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Home Cures For Acne - Eliminate Your Acne With These Killing Tips

Acne is a common skin trouble which is why various home remedies for acne ar starting up all over the internet. Adolescents are the first victims of acne and nearly everyone can make it.

Acne is a general character of skin disease which comes out in the kind of zits. For serious types, dermatologists and different skin specializing doctors prescribe antibiotics. Going to the doctor is expensive so home remedies ar preferable.

Home remedies for acne solve for all people because it applies Easy and affordable methods. Most of these methods as well accept utilizing natural ingredients which can easy be got in your house. Hither ar several of the remedies:

Shifting your Diet

What you consume may conduce to the cause of your acne. several analyses claim that oily foods are a leading cause of acne. Try to consume better, non-greasy foods rather of the common junk foods. Jump the chocolate and consume more fruits and veggies instead.

Holding it Fresh and Simple

Maintain your face and body clean always. Dump your highly-fragranced soap for an unscented one. Thither ar unscented soaps intended for acne-prone skin, which ar accessible in your local drug stores.

Keep Off utilising exfoliators and scrubs as these can irritate the acne. Don't utilize too many products and try to Keep Off utilizing makeup. numerous products may non be okay for you and can cause breakouts to your skin.

utilising Natural remedies

Special of the wonders of home remedies for acne is that it requires using natural remedies to heal acne. It's guaranteed healthy unless you ar allergic to it. Almost all home remedies include the use of food that can be promptly seen in your kitchen.

Safflower Oil

Fresh safflower oil is good for moisturizing the skin. This can be used to heal vulnerable lesions that are a issue of acne. It won't clog and annoy your pores as it is a easy character of oil.

applying Toothpaste

The toothpaste's main constituent, peroxide, dries up and remedies the acne. Simply splash a small measure on the acne after cleansing your face. Simply be sure not to utilize it to open wounds or popped out acne.

using Tea Tree Oil

The good attributes of tea tree oil run from being antibacterial drug, cleansing and anti-fungal which realise it a strategic cure for acne induced by bacteria. Pure tea tree oil is really powerful so you need to cut it with water initial. Apply it to the acne utilising clean cotton.

Home remedies for acne are good. However, if the acne exacerbates, don't do anything to it and go straight to your doctor. Home remedies ar good but nada beats the pro of a doctor expertise .

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How Should People With Acne Care for Their Skin?

Clean Skin Gently
If you have acne, you should gently wash your face with a mild cleanser, once in the morning and once in the evening, as well as after heavy exercise. Wash your face from under the jaw to the hairline and be sure to thoroughly rinse your skin. Ask your doctor or another health professional for advice on the best type of cleanser to use.
Using strong soaps or rough scrub pads is not helpful and can actually make the problem worse. Astringents are not recommended unless the skin is very oily, and then they should be used only on oily spots. It is also important to shampoo your hair regularly. If you have oily hair, you may want to wash it every day.
Avoid Frequent Handling of the Skin
Avoid rubbing and touching skin lesions. Squeezing, pinching or picking blemishes can lead to the development of scars or dark blotches.
Shave Carefully
Men who shave and who have acne should test both electric and safety razors to see which is more comfortable. When using a safety razor, make sure the blade is sharp and soften your beard thoroughly with soap and water before applying shaving cream. Shave gently and only when necessary to reduce the risk of nicking blemishes.
Avoid a Sunburn or Suntan
Many of the medicines used to treat acne can make you more prone to sunburn. A sunburn that reddens the skin or suntan that darkens the skin may make blemishes less visible and make the skin feel drier. However, these benefits are only temporary, and there are known risks of excessive sun exposure, such as more rapid skin aging and a risk of developing skin cancer.
Choose Cosmetics Carefully
While undergoing acne treatment, you may need to change some of the cosmetics you use. All cosmetics, such as foundation, blush, eye shadow, moisturizers, and hair-care products should be oil free. Choose products labeled noncomedogenic (meaning they don’t promote the formation of closed pores). In some people, however, even these products may make acne worse. For the first few weeks of treatment, applying foundation evenly may be difficult because the skin may be red or scaly, particularly with the use of topical tretinoin or benzoyl peroxid.

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Body acne, Back acne, Chest acne and Facial spots

Common form of acne problem for women and men is the chest acne, pimples on back, neck and shoulders. People suffer from facial acne due to its increased exposure to pollution and other outer acne-inducing factors. However, people’s bodies may also become prone to acne when the internal factors like hormonal change, genes, and medication are accompanied by perspiration trapped by synthetic clothing. The best way to avoid this condition is to wear natural breathable fabrics, like cotton, in order to induce evaporation of sweat.
Another effective control measure against pimples on chest, shoulders, back and collar areas is the ClearPores Acne Cleansing System. This is a safe and popular acne fighting solution, containing an excellent combination of high quality natural ingredients and free of harsh chemicalsis, such as benzoyl peroxide that may cause skin redness and irritation. According to the pharmacy magazines and medical professionals ClearPores is one of the best acne elimination and prevention systems on the market today.
Doctors may use other types of procedures in addition to drug therapy to treat patients with acne. For example, the doctor may remove the patient’s comedones during office visits. Sometimes the doctor will inject corticosteroids directly into lesions to help reduce the size and pain of inflamed cysts and nodules. Early treatment is the best way to prevent acne scars. Once scarring has occurred, the doctor may suggest a medical or surgical procedure to help reduce the scars. A superficial laser may be used to treat irregular scars. Dermabrasion (or microdermabrasion), which is a form of “sanding down” scars, is sometimes used. Another treatment option for deep scars caused by cystic acne is the transfer of fat from another part of the body to the scar. A doctor may also inject a synthetic filling material under the scar to improve its appearance.

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Stretegies to Handle Acne Naturally

  • Drink 8 glasses of filtered water, to help the Kidneys flush out toxins.
  • First thing in the morning have 1 glass of water with fresh lemon juice
(squeeze 1/3 large lemon or half a small lemon) for the Liver.
  • Eat fresh fruits, vegetables, grains and fibre to assist the Bowel.
  • Exercise helps all your organs, and sweating can help clean your pores from the inside out.
  • Taking 1 chasteberry tablet each morning can help girls balance and regulate your hormonal cycles.
  • Taking a Multivitamin or B complex tablet each morning can help clear the Liver at a faster rate and provide more energy for sport and mental activities.
  • Taking an immune boosting tablet such as Echinacea or Garlic capsule assists your body's ability to fight off the bacteria in skin.
  • Dandelion – assists detoxification by improving digestion and fluid metabolism. It is good for the Liver and Kidneys.
  • Nettle – helps to clear skin problems, purifies blood, helps metabolism and digestion and is a good tonic for tiredness because it contains many vitamins and minerals.
  • Vervain – used in chronic skin conditions, assists the Kidneys and is a nerve tonic which can relieve headaches and insomnia.
  • Licorice – good to combine with other herbs to harmonise the effects and improve the taste of bitter teas.
  • Aloe Vera – has many benefits and is easy to grow at home. The gel inside the leaf can be used fresh as a topical balm on the skin directly. Has anti-biotic and anti-inflammatory properties, it is cleansing for the skin, helps wounds to heal more quickly and calms the redness of pimples. It is mildly pain-relieving, detoxifies the skin and removes dead cells. There is also a liquid preparation of Aloe Vera that can be taken as a drink and is a detoxifying, acid/alkaline balancing and immune-stimulating tonic.
  • Neem – used mostly in India but becoming popular world-wide. Generally neem seed oil is used externally and neem leaf powder can be swallowed or neem leaves chewed, but teas, tablets, herbal wine, jam and creams are also available. Among its many benefits, neem has great immune effects, reducing infection and inflammation. It is also blood purifying and Liver cleansing. Neem oil applied to the skin is a wonder treatment for acne.
  • Tea tree oil –  anti-septic, anti-bacterial, healing to skin, strenthens immune system
  • Cedarwood –  skin toning, anti-septic, calming, soothing
  • Cypress – balances female hormones, relaxing, skin treatment
  • Geranium – anti-septic, anti-inflammatory, balancing, treatment for skin
  • Lemon – anti-septic, anti-bacterial, skin tonic, astringent, cooling, refreshing
  • Juniper – cleansing, toning, refreshing, anti-septic
  • Neroli – anti-bacterial, healing to skin, relaxing, anti-depressant
  • Sage – anti-septic, pain relieving, healing to skin, relaxing
  • Thyme – anti-sep;tic, cleansing and toning to skin, strengthens immune system
Most essential oils must be diluted into a suitable carrier oil or filtered water /alcohol base before being applied to the skin, but Tea Tree oil can be used straight from the bottle and dabbed directly onto pimples. Essential oils can also be used in hot water for a facial steam bath.
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Mother Nature and Acne

You didn't do anything wrong; Mother Nature coldly and callously decreed that you would be unfortunate enough to struggle with acne. But while Mother Nature dished it out it is up to you to find the right acne treatment for you but luckily there are many ways to reduce or get rid of acne. Firstly, your family line determines the likelihood that you will have acne-prone skin anywhere from a mild to severe level. Then at a certain age, the reproductive engines start up without your consent, flooding your body with strange chemicals called hormones that switch on all sorts of systems including those in your skin. Finally, Mother Nature determines when those engines stop revving and run at a smooth idle, letting your skin calm down. This means that you have very little say in how many months or years this thing called acne will beset you. Mother Nature is a beast.
Luckily however, she is also a generous beast. Providing, and sometimes hiding, many treasures in the natural world that can help and heal, soothe and strengthen, cool and cleanse. She offers gifts that balance your system and balm your skin.
Hormones are produced and travel through your whole body. One of the organs that helps to process hormones and detoxify your body is the Liver. During puberty, it can get a little over-loaded with the hormonal surges, plus any other "toxic" substance add through junk food. If you help to unclog the Liver as much as possible, it can do its work much faster and reduce the effects on your skin (which is also trying to detoxify the body). Other organs that help detoxification are the Kidneys and Bowel.

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Across the board, one of the most fundamental nutrients for health; Zinc is involved in over 80 different enzyme systems! Among its many functions, Zinc is important for skin health by facilitating immune function and wound healing. It has been reported as being severely out of balance in at least 50% of acne patients.
Zinc can be found in beef, ginger, liver, oysters, sunflower and pumpkin seeds as well as whole grains. But supplementation may also be required so it is a good idea to be tested. Zinc supplementation to adequate levels has been shown to be as effective as antibiotic therapy (tetracycline).
Vitamin A
Acne patients are often advised to increase Vitamin A rich foods such as cod liver oil, carrots, apricots and green leafy vegetables (especially spinach) but it also appears that there may be a defect in Vitamin A metabolism that contributes to the acne problem. In some people, even though they have adequate intake, the metabolites of Vitamin A are not reaching the skin tissue. This is why supplementation with specific oral Vitamin A (nutritional or medical) and Vitamin A creams has an effect on severe acne. You must be under the care of a specialist dermatologist and/or naturopath as Vitamin A has toxicity precautions. Prescriptions need to take into account the dosage required and contra-indications. With creams, the age and type of skin (oily or dry) will determine whether a cream or gel is best suited.
Vitamin A increases resistance to infection, is involved in steroid hormone synthesis and mucopolysaccharide (MPS) synthesis. MPS can be applied topically using fresh aloe vera gel to normalise the skin surface by helping to "unplug" the pores and also enhance healing to reduce scars.
B Vitamins
A multi-vitamin containing all the B group is highly recommended for two reasons. Firstly to counter the effects of stress on the nervous system. Secondly, B vitamins all work together, so providing a basic platform is very important before adding extra doses of any of the single B vitamins. The most significant of the B group for acne are:
B12 – general metabolism of fat, protein and carbohydrates
maintenance of skin cells
B5 -     with co-enzyme A is involved in many reactions important to the skin
deficiency of B5 results in buildup of fat droplets in the sebaceous glands
B6 -     for women – with Folic Acid is important for pre-menstrual acne
for men – affects the uptake and sensitivity to testosterone
B2 -     specific for acne rosacea which is often seen in middle aged women
Vitamin E, Selenium and Vitamin C work as antioxidants to reduce free radical damage, detoxify and increase immune function. This seems to be more significant for males than females due to differing sex hormone profiles.
Essential Fatty Acids
Our bodies need fat but we need the good kind! Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are important for reducing inflammation. There are many types in many foods, but supplements are often used – Omega 3 fish oils, evening primrose oil (EPO) gamma linolenic acid (GLA) etc.

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Nutrients and Acne

Firstly, remove foods that have poor nutrition and those that increase the oiliness of skin. This means cut out all refined sugars, saturated fats and processed foods. Yes, that means fast foods, packet foods and softdrinks. Even bakery food has trans fatty acids that work against you.
This may seem difficult at first, but remember these 3 things -
1. It has very high rewards
2. It gets easy pretty quickly and
3. It costs much less than anything else you try.
Healthy food choices are still very convenient, think about ready-made sandwiches, sushi rolls, salads, fruit and water.
Almost all acne is hormonally related, this is why it is worst during teenage years, but for some women with hormonal imbalances, acne can continue through much of their child-bearing years.
If acne appears in your late twenties however, it is probably due to a food sensitivity so check that out with a naturopath or physician. Usually it is salicylates that are a problem. These are a naturally-occurring group of chemicals which are very similar to aspirin, so the simple test is – if aspirin makes your symptoms worse, then you would probably do well on a low-salicylate diet. This involves way too many foods to include here but the information is easy to find.
You might be eating the right things (fresh, whole foods) but not actually extracting all the nutrients from them. Digestive enzymes are important and some people need to take them as a supplement. This needs to be diagnosed and prescribed by a naturopath or physician. A simple thing that everyone can do is to take 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with meals. Either take it straight, or in a small amount of water, or even as a mixture of vinegar/honey/water. It really makes a difference to digestion, metabolism and detoxification.

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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Impact of recombinant DNA technology and molecular modeling

Impact of recombinant DNA technology and molecular modeling on the practice of medicinal chemistry: Structure-activity analysis of opioid ligands
Mu-opioid receptors are found in human dental pulp.

"Studies in both animal and clinical models suggest that opioids exert their analgesic effects not only through activation of receptors in the CNS but also through interaction with peripheral opioid receptors. This study evaluated the presence and distribution of mu-opioid receptors in human dental pulp," researchers in the United States report.
"Human third molars indicated for extraction were removed, fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and 0.2% picric acid.

Melatonin Receptor Agonists:

Melatonin Receptor Agonists: SAR and Applications to the Treatment of Sleep-Wake Disorders

Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) is synthesized and released by the pineal gland following a circadian rhythm characterized by high levels during the night. It shows several pharmacological effects on diverse cellular and animal models, mainly related to either its antioxidant activity or to its ability to activate specific receptors (MTr). Melatonin is widely used as a self-administered food additive, but its therapeutic potential needs more investigation and is hampered by its poor pharmacokinetics. This review will focus on the medicinal chemistry of agonist ligands of the two human GPCRs MT1 and MT2 melatonin receptors. The recent introduction of ramelteon, a non-selective MT1/MT2 agonist for the treatment of insomnia, and the advancement to clinical trials of other MTr agonists have renewed interest for different classes of compounds endowed with this activity. Several chemical classes of MTr agonists are described in the literature, generally characterized by an indole, or an indole bioisostere, carrying an amide side chain and a methoxy group, or substituents with similar stereoelectronic features. Abundant information is available for non-selective MT1/MT2 ligands, and several molecular models, both ligand- and receptor-based, have been proposed to rationalize their structure activity relationships. Fewer classes of selective agonists have been reported in the literature, and they could help clarifying the physiological role of the two receptor subtypes. A brief discussion on the therapeutic potential of this class of compounds is based on the clinical data available for the agonists ramelteon, agomelatine, β-methyl-6-chloromelatonin (TIK-301) and VEC-162.

Orexin Receptor Antagonists

Orexin Receptor Antagonists: Medicinal Chemistry and Therapeutic Potential.

Actelion Pharmaceuticals achieved clinical proof-of-concept for the treatment of insomnia in 2007 with the release of Phase II data on Almorexant, a potent dual (OX1R/OX2R) orexin receptor antagonist. GlaxoSmithKline also released clinical efficacy data on an orexin receptor antagonist in 2007 for the treatment of insomnia. With these exciting findings, the search for orexin (or hypocretin) receptor antagonists for the treatment of sleep and neurological disorders has recently increased in intensity in the pharmaceutical industry. This review will focus on the medicinal chemistry of orexin antagonists and the potential therapeutic value of this therapy for the treatment of insomnia. Receptor subtype selectivity will also be described to highlight the tools currently available to delineate receptor-specific pharmacology.

PNP Anticancer Gene Therapy

Escherichia coli purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) catalyzes the cleavage of 9-(2-deoxy-β-D-ribofuranosyl)-6-methylpurine (MeP-dR), while human PNP does not. MeP-dR is well tolerated while the cleavage product, 6-methylpurine (MeP), is highly cytotoxic. This clinical profile suggests an anticancer gene therapy strategy in which solid tumors are transfected with the gene for E. coli PNP. Tumor cells expressing E. coli PNP will liberate MeP and be killed. Furthermore, MeP released from the cell via the purine transport system will enter nearby cells, resulting in bystander killing of tumor cells. To reduce toxicity resulting from activation of MeP-dR by intestinal tract flora, we redesigned the E. coli PNP active site to cleave prodrugs that are not cleaved by wild type E. coli PNP. It is possible that the variation of substrate specificity among enzymes that cleave nucleosides will have broader application in the gene therapy approach to prodrug activation. Here we review progress in the development of E. coli PNP anticancer gene therapy.

Recent Advances in Antiviral

Recent Advances in Antiviral Nucleoside and Nucleotide Therapeutics
Recent developments in nucleoside/nucleotide therapeutics and antiviral drug targets are described covering progress in the development of nucleoside/nucleotide mimetics for the treatment of influenza virus, human immunodeficiency virus type 1, hepatitis B and C virus, herpes virus infections; including herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus and varicella zoster virus infections, and the highly pathogenic poxviruses (variola, vaccinia and mokey pox) and filoviruses .

Recent Advances in Combinatorial Chemistry

Recent Advances in Combinatorial Chemistry Applied to Development of Anti-HIV Drugs

A compilation of combinatorial chemistry techniques applied to anti-HIV drug development is presented in this review. This synthetic strategy together with high throughput screening assays has allowed the discovery and optimization of novel lead anti-HIV compounds.

Recent advances in the medicinal chemistry of taxoids

Recent advances in the medicinal chemistry of taxoids with novel β-amino acid side chains
β-Amino acids have been recognized as an important class of compounds in the design and synthesis of potential pharmaceutical drugs and also for the study of enzymatic reaction mechanisms. Among the β-amino acid family, isoserines (α-hydroxy-β-amino acids) are probably the most important members because many of them are potent enzyme inhibitors and they also serve as essential building blocks for biologically and medicinally important molecules such as Taxol®. Taxol® (paclitaxel) and Taxotère®(docetaxel) are currently considered to be the most important drugs in cancer chemotherapy. This review describes recent advances in the chemistry of isoserines and taxoid anticancer agents at the biomedical interface including
(i) the development of highly efficient method for the synthesis of isoserine side chains of taxoids and
 (ii) the synthesis and structure-activity relationship (SAR) study of taxoids featuring discovery and development of the second generation taxoid anticancer agents that possess exceptional activities against drug-resistant cancer cells.

Recent advances in medicinal chemistry

Recent advances in medicinal chemistry and pharmaceutical technology--strategies for drug delivery to the brain.

Medicinal chemistry-based strategies are essentially aimed at the chemical modification Sof low molecular weight drugs in order to increase their lipophilicity or the design of appropriate prodrugs, although this review will focus primarily on the use of prodrugs and not analog development. Recently, interest has been focused on the design and evaluation of prodrugs that are capable of exploiting one or more of the various endogenous transport systems at the level of the blood brain barrier (BBB). The technological strategies are essentially non-invasive methods of drug delivery to malignancies of the central nervous system (CNS) and are based on the use of nanosystems (colloidal carriers) such as liposomes, polymeric nanoparticles, solid lipid nanoparticles, polymeric micelles and dendrimers. The biodistribution of these nanocarriers can be manipulated by modifying their surface physico-chemical properties or by coating them with surfactants and polyethylene-glycols (PEGs). Liposomes, surfactant coated polymeric nanoparticles, and solid lipid nanoparticles are promising systems for delivery of drugs to tumors of the CNS.